Market Overview:
The South Delhi residential real estate market has exhibited relative stability over the past two months.
Builder Floors:
- Prices for builder floors have remained largely unchanged, with some developers implementing modest increases of 5-10%.
- However, a recent 10% price hike by Kothi owners is expected to influence builder floor prices in the near future.
- Buyer sentiment reflects a common trend in bull markets, with initial resistance to higher prices. This is likely to adjust as the market settles.
- Overall, upward pressure on builder floor prices is anticipated.
Market Factors:
- The financial year closing in March, followed by the election code of conduct in April and May, has dampened transactions due to:
- Reduced black money circulation.
- Buyer indecisiveness (“analysis paralysis”) potentially delaying purchases until election results.
- This pent-up demand could lead to a surge in buyer activity and transactions in June and July.
Key Takeaways:
- While the market has been stable, price adjustments for builder floors are on the horizon due to rising kothi prices.
- Upcoming months might witness a significant rise in buyer activity and transactions.
Disclaimer: This report is based on available information and does not constitute financial advice.
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